Stokvel Account

Helping you reach your Stokvel goals together

Grow your stokvel club savings securely. A savings account for a group of individuals with a common cause. This account helps you reach your goal with better transparency within members.
Want to join as an individual?
You may also join existing Stokvels here

1. What you get

With the Stokvel Account

  • All Stokvel members who have access to the account can view account balances and receive account alert services
  • All stokvel members can transfer funds from their yo swift account to the stockvel account for Free of charge
  • Signatories can pay out to members' Yo swift personal accounts from the Stokvel account
  • Free  statement download fom your Stokvel
  • Signatories can invite members to your Stokvel



  • There is transparency. All members entitled and have access can view stokvel account via online
  • Cash risks are mitgated . No cash handling risk. Yo swift at your Couch
  • All payouts must be approved by atleast 2 signatories for security
  • Access to statements and account History. This helps to know which member paid into the Stokvel account and which member was paid
If you want to save alone, reach out to us to help you achieve your Goals
Call our support line +27 12 944 7093